Data Protection Statement:

Video Mastery is committed to ensuring that the Organisation complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 in relation to  training for delegates.

  • Delegate data will be kept in a secure cabinet which is accessed only by delegated staff
  • If a delegate asked to see their details, the relevant staff member should organise this and answer any questions about it and explain what has been written. Video Mastery asks that delegates give at least 24 hours when requesting access to their information.
  • All delegates are protected under the Data Protection Act 1998
  • Delegates are expected to respect the rights of other delegates to confidentiality and privacy as regards personal information known about another delegate
  • Information will be kept for 2 years after the client has left Inhouse Video .  It will then be destroyed or archived.

Video Mastery may be working in partnership with other bodies/agencies.  Where specific information-sharing protocols exist that affect a particular delegate all agencies should be aware of this.

It will be agreed at the outset which staff in the partner organisation will have access to information and in what circumstances.

Video Mastery is registered under the data protection act with the Information Commissioners office.


Video Mastery will be treated seriously and we will take action where appropriate.  All complaints will be investigates in accordance with the Organisation’s Complaints/Grievance Policy