It is the policy of In-house Video to comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, The Health & Safety Order (NI) 1978, The Management of Health and Safety Regulations and all other associated legislation and approved codes of practice relevant to our operations.
It is our aim to achieve a working environment, which is free from work related accidents and ill health and we as a company will pursue continuing improvements on an annual basis.
We undertake to discharge our statutory duties by:
- Identifying hazards within the workplace environment, assessing the risks related to them and implementing the appropriate preventive and protective measures;
- Providing and maintaining safe work equipment;
- Establishing and enforcing safe systems of work;
- Recruiting and appointing personnel who have the skills, ability, knowledge, training and competence commensurate with their role and level of responsibility;
- Ensuring that tasks given to employees are within their skills, knowledge and ability to perform;
- Ensuring that technical competence is maintained through the provision of ongoing training and refresher training as appropriate;
- Promoting awareness of health and safety and of good practice through effective communication or/and relevant information;
- Monitoring our safety performance by regular inspections from our managing director and also by engaging with employees;
- Ensuring sufficient funds are made available to meet the objectives set out in this policy.
It is also our aim to comply with all appropriate Health and Safety procedures put in place by clients whilst delivering services on client’s premises.
Employees Legal Obligations
- All employees have an obligation to act responsibly and to do everything, so far as is reasonably practicable to prevent injury to themselves, their fellow workers and any other person/persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
- Employees are encouraged to comply with their duties under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 NI Order 1974 and to notify Health Matters (Health & Safety) Ltd management of identified hazards in the workplace.